
Osmanlı Ressamlar Cemiyeti Gazetesi ve Kemal Emin Bara

One of the schools opened with the Westernization movement in Turkey was Sanayi-i Nefise Mekteb-i Âli, or the School of Fine Arts, in 1883. After this move, which demonstrates the importance of shaping the life and future of a nation through fine arts, came the second and third schools. In 1909, the "Ottoman Society of Painters", the first professional association of Turkish artists, is founded. The most prominent patron and supporter of this society, which is modeled after European examples, is Prince Abdülmecit Efendi. In 1921, the society continues its activities under the name of the Turkish Painters' Society, and another important move of the society is the publication of a newspaper - in fact, a monthly magazine - titled Ottoman Painters' Society Newspaper as of 7 Kânunusani 1326/20 January 1911. Kemal Emin Bara, who taught at the İzmir Girls' High School (İzmir Kız Lisesi ) between 1923 and 1928 and was known as "composer, teacher, poet, playwright, critic, sculptor, stage and film actor", is one of the authors of this newspaper/magazine. The literary aspect of the Ottoman Painters' Society Newspaper is represented by Kemal Emin Bara, the versatile artist of the Second Constitutional Monarchy and Republican period, with his stories, articles on the philosophy of art, literary theory, music and theater. In this study, Kemal Emin Bara's activities, views and understanding of art are analyzed on the basis of his writings in the Osmanlı Ressamlar Cemiyeti Gazetesi.


Osmanlı Ressamlar Cemiyeti Gazetesi (Ottoman Society of Painters Newspaper), Kemal Emin Bara, philosophy art, story, criticism.
