
Biographical Reading of on Yaralısın’s Resources
The extent to which a work is fictional or non-fictional is first questioned by looking for traces from the biographies of writers/poets. Close readings of the works and lives of literary figures show that there are different types of connections between work and life. For some, the events, situations, places and people in their works are equally important in the life of the literary personality. In such cases, it is possible to follow the works of the owner of the works with the whole life. However, for some literary figures, not the whole life, but a shorter but more intense period shows its effect in their literary works. In this context, it is possible to establish a relationship between the works and life of Erdal Öz as in the second case. When the life of Erdal Öz, who was imprisoned three times in 1971-1972, is examined, this short period of time he spent in Mamak Military Prison affected his literary personality. His novel Written in 1973, which can be expressed as a product of his prison years, brings to mind the relationship that can be established between his life and his novel. In this context, in this article, it will be tried to determine what the sources of Yaralısın are with the biographical reading to be made between the process of Erdal Öz in prison and Yaralısın.

Anahtar Kelimeler
Erdal Öz, Yaralısın, Biographical Reading